CERB Benefit Will Expire - What's Next For You?
The Canadian Emergency Response Benefit has been a big help to those whose jobs have been affected by the COVID crisis. Although the benefit has been extended for a few weeks, what will you do when it runs out?

Maybe it's time to think of a new career that is insulated from almost every economic downturn, and that is becoming a Class 1 driver. Most goods on the planet are transported by semi-truck. Regardless of how other sectors are performing, the supply chain stays open. If you want to know during the next pandemic that you won't be downsized, now is the time to register for the next Class 1 training from First Class Training Centre.
First Class is the premiere education centre for Class 1 and Class 3 licensing in Manitoba. With locations in Thompson, Winnipeg and Brandon, there is a school close to you. Once you graduate, we have the relationships with the transport community to get you the introduction that you need to start your new career.
Enjoy your CERB while it lasts. Now is the time to change your future for the better.
Contact us today to discuss your new career as a long haul driver.