Fighting Fatigue – Staying Awake (and Healthy) During Night Runs
Driving at night has a lot of advantages for a long-haul truck driver. There’s a lot less traffic on the road, making it easier to earn money when you’re paid by the kilometer. Fuel costs are reduced, and you’ll use the brakes a lot less frequently.Unfortunately, the human body isn’t designed to be awake at night. Our internal clocks are dictated by the circadian rhythm of the sun – and haven’t really gotten the hang of the changes that modern living and electric light have brought about. As a result, fatigue is often a factor in nighttime driving accidents.
Here are some things you can do to keep fatigue from being a factor for you.
Keep a Regular Sleeping Cycle
If you drive a lot of nights, resist the urge to stay awake too long when the daylight hits. You’ll naturally wake up a bit when the sun rises. Fight this by sleeping with blinds on the windows. On your days off, don’t completely “flip” your sleeping cycle – your body will get confused.
Don’t Rely on Caffeine or Carbohydrates
Coffee and sugary foods are both short-term solutions to fatigue, and both deliver a “crash” after only a short time. Another dose might be effective, but for an even shorter term. Stick to healthy foods – your energy level will be more consistent, and your waistline will thank you.
Get Exercise
A fit driver is a more capable driver. Long haul trucking can make it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle – you need to go out of your way to ensure that you are in top shape to take on the rigors of the road. A quick run around the truck when refueling or at a rest stop can get your blood flowing for the next few kilometers, and a good exercise regimen will pay dividends for years to come.
If You’re Too Tired to Drive – Don’t
No matter what your logbook says, fatigue impairs your ability to drive. Pull over and take a nap – nobody will fault you for putting your safety, and everyone else’s, first.When you take driver training At First Class Training Centre in Winnipeg, you’ll get the benefit of highly experienced trainers with decades of industry experience. Call us Toll Free 1-855-632-5302.